Justice Court

Judge Jewell

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All hearings are currently being held remotely using the Webex platform. The link you will need to attend the hearing is https://utcourts.webex.com/meet/JudgeJewell. Please note that a Webex invitation will not be sent.  

All counsel/parties/witnesses will need to have a fully functioning webcam and microphone. It can be a laptop, tablet or cell phone. Parties/witnesses may attend the video conference with counsel using the same device. Please make sure you have a stable wifi connection at the time of your hearing. 

If evidence will be taken, please submit 2 paper copies of the exhibits at least 7 days prior to the hearing. The courthouse has public computers available if needed. If you have any questions, please contact the judicial assistants at (801) 465-5210.


NOTICE OF RIGHT TO DISCOVERY: Under Rule 16, Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure, a defendant has the right to inspect, test, and copy material and information directly related to the case of which the prosecution team has knowledge and control. To exercise that right, please contact the Prosecutor’s office at 801-465-5209, Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.