
Payson City PI Lower Pond

Water/Secondary Water System

Culinary Water System

Payson City strives to ensure that the water it delivers to its residents is safe.  Each month we are required to take several water samples from various sites throughout the city.  These samples are then sent to the state lab to test for harmful contaminants.  Payson City currently meets the state requirements for water quality.  Every year we send out an Annual Water Quality Report that has valuable information regarding our water system.  

The city currently has three concrete below ground, water storage tanks with 5.6 million gallons total capacity of water storage.  The culinary distribution facilities include 115 miles of 4” to 12” lines, 10 miles 12” transmission lines and 46 miles of service laterals.  Sources consist of 4 wells and 8 springs.
The following map shows the current service area for the culinary water system of Payson City: 

Is my water Hard?

If substantial amounts of Calcium or Magnesium, both not toxic minerals, are present in drinking water, the water is said to be hard.  

Scale (grains per gallon)

Soft               0-3.5 GPG

Moderate    3.5-7.0 GPG

Hard             7.0-10.5 GPG

Very Hard    Over 10.5 GPG

Payson          11.7 GPG 


Culinary Water Service Area 2019

Pressurized Irrigation System

2023 Pressurized Irrigation Watering Schedule

Pressurized Irrigation Zones

PI Meter Detail

Payson City utilizes three sources for our pressurized irrigation system.  The city owns the water rights in the Payson Lakes. The lakes are limited in the amount of water they can store and be delivered to the City. With the drought years, the lakes are not full to start the irrigation season. Payson City also owns rights in the Spring Lake Pond. The city pumps the lake into the pressurized irrigation system, which helps with the upper pressurized zone. The primary and largest source of water is from the Strawberry Valley Project. Payson City has approximately 3,200 acre feet of strawberry water that is delivered to our pressurized irrigation ponds via the High Line Canal. It takes all three of these sources to meet the watering demands of the city.

Pressurized Irrigation Filters

Payson City highly recommends that the residents and businesses install an individual filter on their sprinkler system.  The pressurized irrigation water is not treated and it can be dirty at times.  The City is not responsible or liable for any damage to your sprinkler system, grass, or plants so it is recommended that you install and maintain a filter to keep your lines and sprinklers working as optimally as possible. Payson City does try and filter the water but it cannot and does not clean everything.

Pressurized Irrigation Water Usage Calculator and Stop and Waste Information

Sensus Customer Portal - To monitor your pressurized irrigation water usage, you need to sign up in the Sensus Customer Portal.  For help, go to the Sign Up Instructions in the Supporting Documents below.

The PI water usage calculator is located in the supporting documents below. You will need to download the document to use the spreadsheet.

Below are the pictures of a stop and waste on and off for your reference and the water usage calculator.

Stop and Waste Off

Stop and Waste On

Culinary Water and Pressurized Irrigation Impact Fees

Payson City has worked with Hansen, Allen, and Luce Engineers to perform a study to update the impact fees for the Culinary water and pressurized irrigation water systems.  A copy of this study is available in the supporting documents below.