Please Be Aware of Utility Scam Demanding Immediate Payment and Threatening Service

Please Be Aware of Utility Scam Demanding Immediate Payment and Threatening Service

Payson City employees will never call you to demand immediate payment, nor will text you to demand immediate payment.  Payson City does not accept gift cards as a form of payment.   Payson City Utilities never demands immediate action or threatens disconnection without reasonable notice.   Please be advised that individuals who contact you demanding immediate payment or requesting gift cards are likely scammers and are not affiliated with Payson City Utilities.   Please do not share personal or financial information over the phone, through text or over email with these people. 

City officials recommend hanging up on suspicious calls demanding payment and not to click on unknown links. 

Please call Payson City Utilities concerning any outstanding balances or service shut-offs. Payson City’s Utility Department can be contacted at 801-465-5200 and the Payson City Police Department can be contacted at 801-465-5240.